This International Women’s Day, actor Taapsee Pannu and Akshay Kumar released a video on Twitter which is a great inspiration for the women world wide. They taught us a fantastic self defence technique that the women can use to save themselves from molesters and attackers. It is called the ‘Kohni Maar technique’, which is basically using our elbows to hit the attackers. Akshay Kumar and Taapsee Pannu practically show you in the video how is it to be done.
Both have shared this on their social media and it being shared a lot. The video starts with Taapsee Pannu giving us some serious lessons and urging the women not to freeze during such situations. The trick is to attack. She says”When someone touches us , our mind doesn’t work quickly enough”. We should know what to do. Your body parts are your weapons. Run, kick , use your hands or at least throw stones. Use your elbows, it hurts bad and can make a person fall really hard”. She demonstrates with Akshay Kumar, who she says has trained her to do this.
Here’s Akshay Kumar pretending to be the attacker.
Here’s how Taapsee uses her elbow to attack.
Here’s the video for you:
Don’t just freeze…ACT & REACT coz ur biggest weapon is with YOU! Watch, learn & show your move with #KohniMaar! Kya pata kab kaam aa jaye
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) March 6, 2017
People have already started to be inspired and are making videos too, check out one of them:
@akshaykumar amazing!! Here’s my #KohniMaar video Nice message of self defence @taapsee @RelianceEnt
— Pooja Bathija (@golgappa_girl) March 6, 2017
People are loving this video and Akshay Kumar has once again proved that he is the best. Taapsee Pannu it seems has become the youth icon, especially after her inspiring movie ‘Pink’. This video of her and Akshay is in true sense a real women’s day wish to the country. Let us know your views about this in the comment section below.
Tweets: @akshaykumar
Pooja Bathija @golgappa_girl